Muratina is not an illicit brew,court declares
Posted in Kenya, muratina

Muratina is a traditional kikuyu brew that is a crucial part of their ceremonies and tribal practices.
The Kenyan court system recently declared that Muratina is not an illicit brew and hence the Kikuyu community is free to prepare and consume the tradional brew in observing the culture.
The tradional brew is to be prepared and consumed within set laws and regulations including susbsistent consumption.This means that it is not to be prepared for commercial or resale purposes.The legal bodies also recommended that the brewers seek licenses and proper skills so as to standardize the preparation and consumption of Muratina
The move however is set to draw opposition from various qaurters as the central province,mostly inhabited by the Kikuyu community is also battling alcohol abuse,addiction and lllegal alcohol sales.
Muratina is an essential part of the following cultural events;
Dowry payment
initiation to the council of elders,commuinity based positions
Circumcision ceremonies
Community and individual reconciliations
Community prayers,blessing of children,land and even praying for rain.
Muratina is prepared from fruits of the "Sausage Tree" (Kigelia Africana).The tree bears long sausage like fruits.The brew is named after the fruits which are sliced and left to ferment for 12 to 14 hours.
The fruits can grow upto 60cm and also weigh upto 5kg.The tree is originally from South Africa
The sundried fruits are boiled,mixed with sugarcane sap and sometimes honey is also used to sweeten the drink.
Muratina preparation process.
Cut the fruits are cut into pieces
Sundry the slices then boil in water.After boiling they are removed from the water and sun dried again.
Add the dried fruits to a small amount of sugar cane sap.
Honey can alsobe added
keep the mixture in a warm place.Either a slow continous fire or under the sun during the day.
After 24 hours,remove the fruits again and sun dry them.
After this, mix the fruits with more sugarcane juice or honey based on the quantity of the final brew needed.
Leave to ferment for one to four days.
The purpose of the fruits is to increase the alcohol content, add flavor to the brew, and to inoculate the right kind of yeast for the fermentation process.
The final bew has a sour alcoholic taste and smell.
Muratina is traditionally drunk out of cow horns.
Muratina is an essential part hof social and cultural traditions of the Gikuyu community of Kenya.
This traditional brew has been passed down from one generation to another and had a key role almost in all the social functions in the Kikuyu culture such as births, initiations, weddings and other special occasions.